
2011 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg, France, (20th - 24th June)

A Study of RF Power Absorption Mechanisms in JET ICWC Plasmas


2010 19th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions (PSI), San Diego, California, USA, (24th–28th May)

Power Handling of a Segmented Bulk W Tile for JET under Realistic Plasma Scenarios


2009 18th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Gent, Belgium, (22nd–24th June)

ICRF Wall Conditioning: Present Status and Developments for Future Superconducting Fusion Machines


2009 18th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Gent, Belgium, (22nd–24th June)

Overview on Experiments on ITER-Like Antenna on JET and ICRF Antenna Design for ITER


2005 16th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Utah, USA (11th - 13th April)

Studies of ICRF Discharge Conditioning (ICRF-DC) on ASDEX Upgrade, JET and TEXTOR


2004 16th PSI Conference, Portland, Maine, USA, (24th–28th May)

Development of ICRF Wall Conditioning Technique on Divertor-Type Tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and JET


2002 19th IEEE NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, (22nd–25th Jan)

Mechanical Design of the ICRH Antenna for JET-EP


2001 14th APS Topical RF Conference, Oxnard, California, USA, (7th–9th May)

ICRF Heating Scenarios in JET with Emphasis on 4He plasmas for the Non-activated Phase of ITER


2007 10th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems, Kloster Seeon, Germany (8th–10th October)

Plasma and Antenna Coupling Characterization in ICRF-Wall Conditioning Experiments